51 PROPOSED BUDGET – BASIC SERVICES Estimated cost of basic serves to be performed, including breakdown of the cost by task Below are our estimated annual labor costs for creating, placing, measuring and providing strategic counsel to the Port. Estimated Labor Costs for Basic Services by Discipline Department Function/Person Est. Annual Labor Hours Est. $ Cost Account Management President, Cindy Allen 208 0 Account Director, Bill Barrick 416 83,200 Account Manager, Rachel Holiday 728 80,080 Marketing Assistant, Elise Severson 624 46,800 Est. Sub Totals: 1,976 $ 277,680 Account Planning Account Planning, Dannette Drehsen 312 46,800 Est. Sub Totals: 312 $ 46,800 Creative, Production & Traffic Creative Director, Shauna Wagoner 208 46,800 Sr. Art Director, Paul Christensen 624 93,600 Sr. Copywriter, Bob Satmary 624 93,600 Graphic Designer, Brian Duenas 104 8,840 Production and Traffic, Cassandra Popli 520 57,200 Est. Sub Totals: 2,080 $ 300,040 Media Media Planning/Buying, Rachel Stocking 520 57,200 Est. Sub Totals: 520 $57,200 ESTIMATED TOTALS: 4,888 $ 614,120